Commander Ramli Bin Johari (Rtd)
Project Director
Linggi Base Sdn Bhd
Commander Ramli bin Johari (Rtd), age 52, entered the naval service in July 1989 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1991. His credibility as a naval officer and a professional officer of the hydrographic expertise was evidenced by his contribution in hydrographic survey works for the production of nautical charts for the Malaysian government. He had held as the Commanding Officer of two (2) navy ships and one (1) off-shore station.
He has attended several professional courses and careers within and outside the country. Among the courses he had attended are the Diploma in Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting (Category B) at Trieste Italy, the Staff College Course Haigate of University of Malaya, Post Graduate Hydrography (Category A) in University of Plymouth, United Kingdom and many other professional courses on the coastal zone management organised by International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) and International Maritime Organisation (IMO). He is also the holder of a Diploma in Strategic and Defense Studies from University of Malaya.
He has also represented Malaysia as a technical member to discuss on the issues of maritime boundary delimitation with other neighbouring coastal states. Technically, he has been involved in various marine industry related operations, such as hydrography, oceanography and meteorology activities, dredging works, management and operation of offshore exploration, and other related discipline which include inshore and offshore survey.
From 2009 to 2011, he was engaged as the Technical Member for the construction of the Marine Electronic Highway for the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, which was a GEF/IBRD/IMO Project with the World Bank as the Implementing Agency and IMO as the Executing Agency.
In recognition of his service, he was awarded with the Knights of the Armed Forces (KAT).